Nowadays Everyone is confused with the viruses at computer. And Everyone among us wants to save his computer from the virus attack.
Normally most of us not aware about where virus came from ? Really If we know the basic rules of this problem. There is no doubt that we can feel free to save us from computer viruses.
As Virus mostly can slow down your computer, hide your files , loss your data and many many more problems you can face with these viruses.
I am today posting some very easy tips if you follow that tips you will save your comuter about 80 to 90% from the virus attack.As the computer world is growing more severe virus are also coming in the market and these are danger for computers and are unable to clear quickly but not impossible.
Impossible is nothing in life you have to make some precautions for your computer to avoid these danger attack of viruses.
So here are some basic tips which will be very useful to you if you apply it everytime.
1. First make backup always of your personal data which you never want to loose in any case. Remember to make backup when you insert the file in your computer. Because backup will give you strong security and works for you like a stepnee of car lol.
2. U.S.B is main source nowadays used for injecting the virus in your computer. It is not intentionally done by any of your colleque but most of the time they are also not aware of the virus inside the Usb. Sometime your friends can do it intentionally if they have problem with you lol. So Always take care while inserting USb in your computer and scan it while copying the data.
Scan your USb with best anti virus you have in your computer.
Scan your USb with best anti virus you have in your computer.
3. Don’t download the files ending with .exe , .vbs , .scr , .pif , doc , .lnk , .com Mostly virus are spread with these extensions so always care about it and if you have to download this type of file.
4. Remember to download from verified sites which are trusted and are having high ranking.
5. Don’t open the Email and click on any link which you are not know any about. If you have not know any email so delete it instantly without opening it.
I hope these are small tips to save your computer from virus attack but it worth very much.
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